The Evolution of the Byzantine Embroidery Tradition in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Slavic World, 1200-1800
The Evolution of the Byzantine Embroidery Tradition in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Slavic World, 1200-1800

Journal Project by Elena Papastavrou, Director of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Zakynthos (Zante), and Marielle Martiniani-Reber


Elena Papastavrou and Marielle Martiniani-Reber, eds. Cahiers balkaniques. "L'évolution de la broderie de tradition byzantine en Méditerranée orientale et dans le monde slave (1200-1800)" ("The Evolution of the Byzantine Embroidery Tradition in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Slavic World (1200-1800)"), no 48 (2021): 1-254. [Online]

The 2021 issue of Cahiers Balkaniques (INALCO)is exceptionally dedicated to the Byzantine tradition of embroidery and its various afterlives/evolutions within the wider context of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Slavic world between 1200 and 1800. The volume brings together the research results of specialists from different areas and brings to light the evolution of Byzantine embroidery traditions from an interdisciplinary view that encompasses the iconography, styles, and techniques during the Byzantine and post-Byzantine periods. The volume responds equally to multiple questions: How did the various peoples who were the heirs of the culture perceive Byzantine embroidery? What was the artistic influence of certain embroidery centers that became influential after the fall of Byzantium? What were the Western and Eastern influences introduced into the Byzantine embroidery tradition?


Table of Contents:
Joëlle Dalègre, Éditorial

Elena Papastavrou and Marielle Martiniani-Reber, Introduction

Marielle Martiniani-Reber, Le parement d’autel de la Comtesse d’Etampes: une broderie réalisée dans le duché d’Athènes?

Warren T. Woodfin, Underside Couching in the Byzantine World

Paschalis Androudis, Quelques réflexions à propos de l’étoffe luxueuse du despote de Thessalonique, Andronic Paléologue, jadis conservée au monastère athonite de Vatopédi

Nikolaos Vryzidis & Elena Papastavrou, Notes on the Sanctuary Curtain: Symbolisms and Iconography in the Greek Church

Alice Isabella Sullivan, Byzantine Artistic Traditions in Moldavian Church Embroideries

Glykéria Chatzoulis, À propos d’un épitrachilion de 1664 de la Métropole Trikkis et Stagon attribué à la broderie de l’École de Constantinople

Elena Papastavrou & Daphné Filiou, From Constantinople to Vienna: On the Different Tendensies in Greek Orthodox Ecclesiastical Embroidery (17th – 18th centuries)

Nikos Mertzimekis, Vêtements sacerdotaux russes, brodés d’or au monastère d’Iviron du Mont Athos : source de savoir et de mémoire

Anna Karatzani, The Use of Metal Threads in the Decoration of Late and Post-Byzantine Embroidered Church Textiles